Article by simeon josh

22:44 Unknown 0 Comments

 By Simeon Josh,

June 2016.

            This letter is purposely directed to the pastors serving the Ekklesia of God. The letter is not in any way to be used to lord over anyone but to be used to correct some of our practices as the Holy Spirit directs every born-again Christians.  
I wish to express my mind in this epistle to thank and warn the pastors whether in my home country or the world wide. Not that I have any power to control but that I see what is happening and I must make my contribution before it is totally corrupted.SI
Grace and mercy to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ who substituted /die for us in order to redeem us from the eternal punishment and to reconcile us back to God. Who is the alpha and the omega. It is a privilege to write to you today, seeing your zeal and diligence for the gospel which has been handed over to you to preach.
I know that it is not by our power and or work that we become what we are today; it is by the saving grace that made you and the Ekklesia of God a saint in the sight of God.
It is an enormous opportunity or should I say that it is an eternal happiness, joy, grace that you are given such a task /ministry to do. As I am writing this letter to you, I am of a happy and sad mind because of what I am hearing about you among the heritage of God.
You know that Apostle Paul keepings warning us that we should be careful because he knew that after he is gone, that there shall enter in grievous wolves unto you, not sparing the flocks and of yourselves there shall arise men, speaking perverse things to draw away the disciples after them.
Do you not know that he is referring to servants of God who counted themselves as a superior to the other members of the body of Christ? Do you not know that they are among you pastors, seeking for power, authority and respect. They do this because they know that the moments they have such fame, they can say anything and it will be accepted by those whom in their mind is in all ramification lower than them.
But of what importance is it to you to have power, riches and authority and gain this world. Not only gaining this world but at the same time perverting the gospel which is the good news? Do you not know that the good news/tidings is all about Jesus fulfilling the prophecy of the old covenant?
Apostle Paul warns us of those who try to do something of this nature that such a people even if he is an angel should be accursed.  Is it not destruction that you bring upon yourself? Why seek power why you forget that the body of Christ is of the same level with you and that you are not greater than them?   
Is it that you have forgotten what Isaiah told us about Satan in the fourteenth chapter of his book? Satanic being is the one who like to seek for power by any means without considering the negative aspects of it. Is it that you think that you are greater than the smallest child in your congregation. Have you not any thought concerning such an action.
Although you have tried your best but your best has affected everything. I have had of how you command instruction without wanting people challenge it, whether good or bad. I do not know the motive behind such an act. Do you ever reason or thought of it for once whether you are following the steps of Christ or the tradition of men. Do you receive your righteousness by been forced?
But why pervert the gospel? Is it you that died for the congregation? Are you the substitute for sin for the congregation? I hope and think that you know the repercussion of what you are entering now? It is like you believe that in your congregation that after God you are the next?
Please pastors and my fellow brethren, you think without you that the body of Christ cannot have eternal life? You know that a time is coming when the people will not need anyone to teach them the gospel because right from their tender age will they know whom God is and what He has done for them. Have you now seen that without you they can exist?
I have had of your perversion, or should I say most of the pastors never understand the gospel? or maybe you decided to pervert the gospel for your own self interest? I will admonish you to pray to God and have a change of mind. 
Let me remind you of what happen in the sixteenth and seventeenth century. You may or maybe you do not know how the pope from the Roman Catholic tried to hold power and authority to themselves and how they hid the gospel away from the people. You seem to have forgotten how the reformation crept in by men who were touched in the heart by Christ. Is it that you do not know how many fled from the power and governance of the papal church? Then it was a shock to the pope because he wouldn’t have thought of such an incidence to happen in his life time. I will not but inform you that the papal church also pervert the gospel of God in order to suite their purpose.
What the papal church does then is in no way different from what we are doing to the Ekklesia of Christ today. The papal church turned the means of salvation from justification by faith to justification by works. There is an old adage that says; “those who never history are bound to repeat it.” I write this in order to inform you that a reformation has began again. The so called clergy have turned the heart of people from Christ to human being. These are what Apostle Paul warned us about in Acts 20 as I explained earlier. These salvage wolves are anti-Christ in nature. Those who desire not to follow the servanthood which Christ himself set before departing from earth are the anti-Christ because they seek power to be known among their brethren.  They believe that they are powerful and that they should be uplifted among the people. They want people to celebrate them and be known for their riches and wealth. Do you not know that this people seek to mediate between the people and God. Why the book of 1Timothy 2:5 tells us that there is only one mediator between God and man, the man Jesus Christ.  Let me give an example of what I have heard and seen about the clergy in this century.
In the month of April 2016, I was in a program where prayer was going on. The pastor gave the prayer point and after some minutes he asked the people to put an end to it by saying in Jesus name we have prayed. But the people could not end the prayer immediately so the pastor said they disobeyed him and that this might caused their prayer not to be answered. What total nonsense is that, to tell the congregation that their prayer will not be answered? From what I could deduce from that statement, it seems like the congregation is praying to the pastor and the pastor delivering the prayer to God. What total nonsense was that? Although I called it heresy immediately. This is one of the examples of what I have being hearing from Clergy. You have cleverly done a great job by dividing the body of Christ. This is one of the great happiness you have given the devil who is the leader of the salvage wolves. Since the bodies are now divided, it is very easy for heresy and tradition of men to creep in.
As much as you have tried, so also you have changed the whole doctrine of God. You have turned servanthood to a business organization. Jesus warned us very well before He left is beloved disciple. I don’t for any reason know where and how you get all the rank you have brought into Christianity. I have been hearing among you different rank and authority. Ranks like; Pope, Vicar, Archbishop, General Superintendent, General Overseer, Reverend, president, Leader, Senior Pastor, Pastor, Lay reader, Canon, Father and much more. We have done a good work in reshaping and perverting all these things and present them in ways that makes it to be accepted. The devil is very good in making the counterfeit of something for us to accept.
But I ask you, of what difference is this with the government of the gentiles? Do you not know what the government of the gentile world encompasses and how authority flow? From the head to the bottom, I want to ask whether you have forgotten the warning of Christ to his disciples concerning power and authority. From what you have practiced so far, who is the head in your congregation and who is below?
Do you not know that the moment you have such motives, you start to believe that you and someone is not of the same status.
But what will you do when this so called body of Christ whom you have defiled now knows the truth? Will you beg them or tell them you did not know what you were doing when perverting the gospel?
The book of Hebrew was written to warn Christians especially the Jewish Christians the importance of Christ in this new age and to tell them that their continuous presence in the temple and their constants sacrifice is no more important because Christ has fulfilled the whole law. These Christians still continue to pay homage to the temple worship, tithing was still enforced and much more. It was written to warn them of the coming destruction on the temple so that they will be prepared. In other word, they should appreciate what God has done in their life. To warn them that those practices are not needed again because if they refuse to stop and them temple is destroyed, it will surely affect their worship to God. To summarize it all, the city was destroyed in A.D. 70 by Roman army under Titus. The temple was destroyed and it’s sacrificed ceased. Jews were not allowed to enter the ruins and rebuild it.
So I write to warn you about your leadership and your use of power over God heritage. Once they know the truth, whom will you use your authority on?
It is better now to correct your mistakes before it get too late. What effects will it bring, nobody knows except God. That we are here today is an enormous opportunity. We are given enormous grace not to use it lord over people. Have you asked yourself what the clergy really means, who are the clergy? Who is a bishop/elder/pastor? Or you jump into the ministry in order to follow the traditions men? Can you really call yourself a clergy who is unprofitable like the twelve Disciples of Christ?
As you have labored to exercise power and authority over the God’s Heritage, in order words (the clergy- kleros). I will like you today to labor in such way to correct these traditions of men. But if you wish not to correct it, then the story will change from blind guides leading the blind, when both fall into the pit, who will save who? 
Thank you for your restlessness to preach the true gospel to the world. Grace, peace and love of Christ be unto you and the Ekklesia of Christ amen. 


Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Saducees

00:56 Unknown 0 Comments

Extract from church program

On 29th May 2016, I was in a service at a famous church in Kwara state where a Rev made mention of a pastor who said that those who come to church once in a week will go straight to hell fire. He said that we must at least visit the so called house of God twice in a week in order to have eternal life. Then the pastor of that same church also conclude by telling the people that they should start coming to the weekly service in order to escape hell fire.  Can this be really true was my response to the statement. Are we saved by attending church programs. what a babbaric and disgusting statement was that. A building has now taken the place of Jesus who is the only mediator between God and Men. Apostle Paul said in his epistle to the Ephesian 2:8-9 " For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; Not of works, lest any man should boast. if going to church twice in a week will make you escape the coming judgement then Christ dies for nothing. In fact His death is useless and worthless. please brothers and sisters over there, Jesus told us in Luke 16:11 that we should beware of the leaven (doctrine, teachings) of the pharisees and Sadducees. These group of people will try to pervert the gosple in order to suit their desire. If going to the so called house of God which in the first instance is not the house of God will save us, i think Jesus himself would have informed the thief on his right hand that you have not fulfil the requirement for heaven and now it is too late to ask for it. The only way to that eternal life is through Jesus. Jesus is Lord.


22:21 Unknown 0 Comments

Tip for the day  by Simeon Josh.

                 Modern Christianity or should  I say Churchianity disregard history. And we all know that those who never remember history are bound to repeat it.

                                                   Why do you choose Christ instead of Satan?

Do you choose Christ because of riches, blessing, security or because you want Christ to be your life?
Remember that you do not always choose or wills for something because of its reward. choosing the good is something, the reward is another thing. Do you love a lady because of her beauty or wealth? if you do love her because she is wealthy it means you do not really love her. Because when the money is gone, your love for her may also fade away. love her because of who she is. Choose Christ because He is your life and not using Him to get what you desire.
Do you not know that Christ live in you, unless you believe in vain. Jesus do love you.


Reasons for Youth Exodus In Mainline Churches

13:57 Unknown 2 Comments

REASONS FOR YOUTH EXODUS IN MAINLINE CHURCHES, Article written by Group one Ekwa Theological seminary Igbaja kwara State.